3.2.7 Determining the Level of Arrangement

February 10, 2021 - 3:31pm by Anonymous (not verified)

Archivists determine a level of arrangement as part of the processing proposal. The following paragraphs outline approaches to determining levels of arrangement.

If a collection is already relatively well organized, then the archivist may devise a series organization that clarifies or enhances the current state of the material, or better reflects the types of material, but not organize further into subseries or files. The archivist can compensate for the lack of detail in arrangement by providing a more detailed description in the series-level scope and content notes.

If a collection is a low priority for detailed processing overall, but contains substantive correspondence from an important author, then the archivist may devise a detailed arrangement for selections of correspondence, grouping the remaining papers into a series of Other Papers.

If a collection is of high research value, is relatively unorganized, and is in high demand, then the archivist may devise an overall series organization that reflects the key activities of the creator, while limiting detailed lower-level arrangement to a few series that will likely receive the highest level of use, or which relate directly to the main activities for which the creator is best known.