Access restrictions on original media and files should be noted in the Access Restrict element in accordance with DACS4.2. Use the following format: [Container type] [number or span] ([type of media]): Restricted Fragile Material. Reference copies of electronic files may be requested. Consult Access Services for further information. For example:
Box 4 (computer disks): Restricted Fragile Material. Reference copies of electronic files may be requested. Consult Access Services for further information.
Box 14 (laptop computer): Restricted Fragile Material. Reference copies of electronic files may be requested. Consult Access Services for further information.
Technical requirements for patron access to copies are meant to be noted in the Physical Characteristics/Technical Requirements element in accordance with DACS 4.3.5 but, because the this element is rarely used in YUL finding aids, this information will be added to the access restriction in the Access Restrict element if appropriate.