The recommended chief source of information for electronic files is the title screen (AACR2 9.0B1). Transcribe the title screen of the file when applying item-level analysis and arrangement. Other prescribed sources of information include the physical carriers or labels. When applying disk-level analysis, transcribe information from the physical carrier (e.g. disk or jewel case) or label. See the George Whitmore Papers (YCAL MSS 274).
When transcribing or supplying folder headings for files arranged at the item level, such as a draft, add the term “electronic,” as you would the GMD. When electronic files are arranged intellectually, outside of an “Electronic Files” series/accession, always include the following folder note in an Access Restrict element <accessrestrict> in accordance with DACS 4.2:
Computer disks are restricted. Copies of electronic files may be requested through Access Services.
In baseline processing, a scope and content note can be added to identify/list individual disks where found in the collection according to the following format:
[Accession#]-[Disk#]: [Disk label]
As of June 2012, practice is to use the accession number, followed by a four-digit disk number starting at 0001. For example:
2003-ycal-0626-a-0001: [Disk label]
For example:
Series I. Writings
“Hotel Christobel”
4 21 Research notes 1990
22 Preliminary sketches 1990 Oct 1
Draft, electronic 1990 Nov
Computer disks are restricted. Copies of electronic files may be requested through Access Services
2000-genm-0222-c-0016: Original Nov. 1990
2000-genm-0222-c-0017: Duplicate Back Up Copy
23 Galley proof 1990 Dec